An Official Site of the Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO




Why Shop Union?
It is up to you, alone. Your shopping dollars can support products made by people earning good pay and benefits.

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We Built It, You Came! "The Hits Just Keep on Comin'!"—News Story on the success of the website.

Letter from Union Label and Service Trades Department President, Charles Mercer and Secretary-Treasurer Matt Bates

We Built It, You Came!
"The Hits Just Keep on Comin'!"

Coming off the first full “ B u y U n i o n W e e k ” is proud to announce great results. Every major advertiser we contacted reported a significant volume of business coming through the site. Here’s what Brian Copper, president of USA Coffee had to say: “It was the best advertising dollar we ever spent. Over the month, the web site accounted for 22 percent of our sales.”

“This year’s experience is very encouraging. Our task now is to build on this beginning–create interest and traffic to the site and build a loyal customer base to sustain these all union companies throughout the year,” declared Matt Bates, secretary-treasurer of the Union Label and Service Trades Department.

Dear Friends,

The “Buy Union” movement has gone into cyberspace with a new website promoting all-union made goods and services: .
As the enclosed press release, sample story and graphics show, makes it fast and easy for people to find and buy a wide range of union-made items. (And many more items will be added to the website soon.)

The potential is tremendous. Shoppers spent $56 billion on the Internet last year. If we steer even a fraction of those dollars towards union-made items, hundreds of thousands of union jobs could be preserved. If we can use the site to build a growing “buy union” movement, millions of new union jobs could be created.

Madison Avenue will not spread the word about . Neither will Wall Street - and certainly not Wal-Mart!
We are counting on YOU to reach grassroots America: the millions of people who are sick of the destruction of good jobs and looking ways to take a stand and make a difference.

We need people to talk about the web site, write articles about it, email about it and link their websites to it. Spread the word to everyone who cares about the issue of good jobs: workers; students; church congregations; public officials; our relatives and neighbors, and white collar professionals nervous over outsourcing.

With we can reach people, 24 hours a day, with a simple, attractive way to get what they need , and have a powerful impact on jobs and the economy.

Let’s make the most of this opportunity. Use your power to spread the word.

Best wishes from the Union Label & Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO,

Charles E. Mercer

Matt Bates
President Secretary Treasurer




This website 100% union-made by Kenefick Communications, CWA-ITU Local 101-12