An Official Site of the Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO




Why Shop Union?
Did you know 73 percent of union workers enjoy medical care benefits, compared with only 51 percent of nonunion workers?

Note to Shoppers:

The Union Label & Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO made every effort to ensure the goods and services listed on our web site are produced and/or assembled by union workers. However, some company websites and catalogs may offer union and non-union made items; therefore, it would be wise to specifically request union-made goods and services when placing orders.

We will promptly remove any company from our web site that becomes involved in a strike, lockout or boycott or that is found to be misrepresenting its goods or services or treating customers in an unethical manner.

However, the Union Label and Service Trades Department is not responsible for, and will not become involved in, complaints or disputes between customers and businesses listed on this web site.

We welcome any suggestions or comments you may have on ways to improve this web site. Thank you for caring enough about good jobs to take time to “buy union.”

Contact the Union Label and Service Trades Department: 202-628-2131 or e-mail:

This website 100% union-made by Kenefick Communications, CWA-ITU Local 101-12